About Us - Nerd Trends

Who we are

Nerd Trends was born with the aim of providing essential and useful content for our readers' daily lives in each of the articles we publish.

Our Editorial Team is constantly listening to the demands of our readers in order to bring the content into line with their needs, which is why new Editorial Lines may emerge over time.

Currently, our Editorial Lines curated by our Editorial Team include:

  • Personal Finance (financial education to make important decisions easier)
  • Technology (through the use of applications that make it easier to carry out everyday tasks)
  • Employment (through labour market trends and entrepreneurial opportunities to help our readers make more money)
  • Lifestyle (travelling and digital nomadism)

And just like any company, we have a culture with a well-defined Mission, Vision and Values:

Mission - to provide useful content that adds value to our readers, thereby strengthening our brand in the long term.

Vision - to be an online portal recognised for excellence in the curation of its Editorial Lines, with a strong brand and to be the first choice of our readers when they want to search for something related to our Editorial Lines.

Values - quality of the content published, trust as a pillar of relationships and innovation as part of our DNA.

Editorial team

John James

Editor-in-Chief @ Nerd Trends

John James@ nerd-trends . com

Clara Hill

Editor @ Nerd Trends

clara.hill @ nerd-trends . com

Sofia Davies

Editor @ Nerd Trends

sofia.davies @ nerd-trends . com